Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Writing February 26, 2013

Today's writing is from the Write Now Prompt for February 12, 2013 from Today's Writer:

“I’m never doing that again.”

 This little scene shows some characters from a novel I'm working on.  I hope you enjoy it.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Reduction Prompt

So I'm obviously not managing my once a week goal so far.  I'd lower my standards, but that doesn't push me to actually get anything done, so I'll try to actually get something at least posted once a week, then i can push myself to post writing once a month too.

This is a prompt a friend shared with me the other day.  The goal is to reduce and distill your writing.

Step 1:
Write a 500 word story.

Step 2:
Don't look back at what you wrote.  Now write the same story in 250 words.

Step 3:
Don't look back at what you wrote.  Now write the same story in 100 words.

Step 4:
Look back and how the story changed as you reduced the number of words used to tell it.

I haven't tried this out yet, but I may in the coming week.  If I do, I'll be sure to post the results.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Writing Prompt from Today's Author

I'll be working with writing prompts from a variety of places, but one of them will be Today's Author.  You can visit them yourself here: Today's Author.

In addition to being a generally interesting blog for writers by writers, they post "Write Now" prompts encouraging you to write, and to share some of that writing if you'd like.  So I took the suggested five minute minimum and tried to write a complete scene using the prompt and here's what I've come up with.

This is the prompt from February 5, 2013, which was "I think you broke it."

Here's my take on it.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Starting Out

Welcome to Reka Writing.

I've decided, fairly spur of the moment, to challenge myself a little, and start a writing blog.

My goal is to post a snippet of writing at least once a week, and to share helpful links, blog posts, and the like that relate to writing and all the various things you have to do after you get the words down on paper.

I hope you'll enjoy the journey with me.

Reka 8-)