Sunday, March 24, 2013

Prompt: And you thought dragons didn’t exist…

I'm going to try to start posting one writing prompt, with my response, each week.  I may actually manage it too, since I'll be accountable to someone that I see every week.

I meet more writers through NaNoWriMo (if you're not sure what that is, click on it to visit their site) than I do through anything else.  This past November, I started meeting one such writer once a week for a late dinner and some writing time, and we've continued to meet to chat, share writing, and occasionally write now that NaNoWriMo is over.

Last week, she decided we needed to do more writing with out meeting, so she looked up a prompt and we set word count limits for each other.  We have very different styles, so I told her she had to write at least 200 words, and she told me I couldn't write more than 500.  Apparently her first draft was 44 words.  My first draft was over 500.  So at least we're challenging ourselves.

So here is the prompt for everyone to share:

And you thought dragons didn’t exist…

If you tend to write very short pieces, go for the over 200 words version.
If you tend to write really long pieces, go for the under 500 words version.
Or you can pick your own word limit, or just run with it and see what happens.

If you post your writing somewhere, I'd love to see what you you came up with.  You're welcome to link to your piece in a comment.  (If you plan to publish, do keep in mind that once you post it, it's out there forever, and some publishers don't like that.)

You'll see my response in the next post.

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